Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
My Page
I have created a new part of the site that shows how w payton23 looks. He loooks kinda like bowserpower1 to remind me of that account.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Email Me
I made a new email address named so I want everyone to not email me at remember not email blue not purple.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Doric's Quest
Quest level: Easy
Start: Speak with Doric by following the Northern road leaving Falador .
Skills: None!
Quests: None!
What You Need: 6 Clay, 4 Copper ores and 2 Iron ores.
To start this quest, Speak to Doric the Dwarf located in a small house north of Falador. Go to the middle of Fally then go north on to the split roads use the path on the left. keep going tell you find a small shack on your right talk to Doric.
Ask him if you can use his anvils, he will hopefully reply if you can give me some items you can, and those items happen to be 6 clay, 4 copper ores and 2 iron ores.
You can either buy or sell these ores I suggest buy because you will get the money
back at the end of this quest anyway. Get the ores and give him the ores and you're finished with the quest but actually it isn't that easy well maybe it is. It is actually finished, ok. In Reward you will get 1 quest point, 1300 mining XP, 180 gp, and the use of Doric's anvils.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I'm very sad because I just got permanently banned from runescape my runescape user name was bowserpower1 I'm asking for support. Just message jagex saying that bowserpower1 is very sorry and that he'll never do it again.
You Remember
Bowserpower1 My new username is W payton23
You Remember
Bowserpower1 My new username is W payton23
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Restless Ghost
Start by: Going to Lumbridge Church and speaking to Father Aereck
You need: An amulet of Ghost Speak and have the skills to know how to read to read this guide
Have the skills to: Defeat a level 13 skeleton
Firstly, walk to Father Aereck (located in the lumbridge church) and ask him if he has a quest for you. he says that he needs someone to make the GHOST IN THE GRAVEYARD go away. He also mentions that his friend Father Urhney may be able to help you. Leave the church and follow the road north until you see the General Store, and then head west on the dirt path until it ends. Now head southeast through the swamp or head south along the ocean intil you find a small house or you might say it's a shack. If Father Urhney isn't in there tough luck, but if he is talk to him and tell him father Aereck sent you. Say that a ghost is haunting the graveyard, and he will give you an amulet of ghost speak, but if he doesn't, like I said tough luck. Now you should be able to talk to the ghost so go back to the graveyard. This time go inside the small building on the southeastern part of the grave yard. Other human players might be in there but they might not. If you do not see the ghost open the coffin but if he's not in there tough luck. Just kidding if he's not there then you somehow scared him away!!! But, it doesn't work that way. Put on your amulet of ghost speak. Speak to the ghost. When he asks you if you understood him answer yes i do. He says that a big fat Warlock stolen his real handsome skull. Then he makes up an excuse that that's why he can't rest. Run to your local General Store and maybe buy some oil or soda, Then travel on a dirt path all the way to the the sky scraper of runescape the wizard's Tower. Climb DOWN the ladder. Walk along the corridor to the door on the eastern side until you find an alter search it and find a skull. Then kill the skeleton or be a chicken and run away. Put the skull in the ghost's coffin.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Rune Mysteries
To Start: Talk to the Duke of Lumbridge about a quest.
First off, go to Lumbridge Castle (2ND floor) and talk to Duke Horacio, you should pick the
choice about the quest. If he gives you an air talisman, go back and dance A LOT lol. Deliver that talisman to Sedridor of the Wizard's Tower(Basement). We will trade you the air talisman for a package. Bring that to the Varrock Rune-Seller (south of eastern bank). Once you are there, give the package Aubury. Talk to him again and he will give you some research notes. Bring them to Sedridor, the guy in the Wizard's Tower"s basement, he tells a story about Talismans, Rune Essence, Temples, and a quick overview of Rune Crafting. Now you are finished with the quest! In reward, you will get 1 quest point, rune crafting skill, and an air talisman!
First off, go to Lumbridge Castle (2ND floor) and talk to Duke Horacio, you should pick the

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Cook's Assistant
Start by: Talking to the cook in Lumbridge castle.
You will need: A bucket & a pot.
You will need: A bucket & a pot.
Go to Lumbridge castle and talk to the cook in the kitchen. He will say"I have forgotten the ingredients for the cake that I was going to bake for the king". Now, say to him"I'll help you out" He will give you the instruction to get some milk, an egg, and some flour. Go to your favorite general store (I recommend the closest). Buy a pot and a bucket for 1-2gp each. Time for the ingredients!!! Now, get milk, eggs, flour, and grain . After you've done that go to the mill (east of Fred the farmer's house) Climb to the top of the mill and operate the hopper climb all the way down to the bottom of the mill and grab the flour. Finally, return the ingredients to the cook. In return he will give you 300 cooking ex. and 1 quest point
Sheep Shearer

What you need: A pair of shears
Head to Fred the farmer's farm and talk to Fred. Ask him, "do you have a quest for me". He will say yes. Then you will have to get a pair of shears (located west of the mill). Then, take the shears back to the sheep and start to shear them. Keep doing it until you get 20 pieces of wool. Next, go to the spinning wheel in Lumbridge Castleto spin the wool (2nd Floor). Now, you will have 20 balls of wool. Finally,

I'm Here To Help You!!!
I am here for the people that might have questions or just need some tips; and whatever it is you can get it on EBAY. Just kidding, all of your questions will be answered by me.